function doytim2ints, buf, year ;+ ;NAME: ; doytim2ints ;PURPOSE: ; Convert day-of-year and time to the internal time format ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; daytim = doytim2ints(buf, year) ; daytim = doytim2ints('207, 21:45') ;RESTRICTION: ; If an array of DOY/Times are passed in, the formats must all ; be identical. It uses the first item in the array to determine ; the method of decoding ;INPUTS: ; buf = A string array with doy of year and time. ; Example, "316, 21:45" ; "316 21:45" ; "316" ; "342 2145" ; Note: The day of year is required. It must be first and ; can be deliminated by space, comma or tab. ;OPTIONAL INPUT: ; year = Year in 199x or 9x format. If this is not specified, ; the current year will be used. ;OUTPUT: ; daytim = A structure with .TIME and .DAY tags ;HISTORY: ; Written 26-Feb-98 by M.Morrison ; (taking J.Lemen's doytim2ex as the starting point and ; allowing a vector of inputs to be passed in and to use ; ANYTIM to speed things up considerably). It's about ; 10 times faster than doy2utc and can handle input times ;- buff = strtrim( buf, 2 ) ; Trim lead/trailing blanks if strlen(buff(0)) eq 0 then return,anytim2ints('') ; Return zeros if blank ; Search for the deliminter - space, tab, or ',' if strpos(buff(0),',') ne -1 then strput,buff,' ',strpos(buff,',') if strpos(buff(0),9b) ne -1 then strput,buff,' ',strpos(buff,9b) j = strpos(buff(0),' ') if j eq -1 then begin ; Only doy supplied doy = fix(buff) buff = ' ' endif else begin ; doy and time supplied doy = fix(strmid(buff,0,j)) buff = strmid(buff,j,999) j = strpos(buff(0),':') ; Check if 12:00 entered as 1200 if j eq -1 then begin kk = fix(buff) & HH = fix(kk/100) & MM = kk - HH*100 buff = string(HH,':',MM,format='(i2.2,a,i2.2)') endif endelse if n_elements(year) eq 0 then yyear = strmid(!stime,9,2) else yyear = year if yyear(0) gt 1000 then yyear = yyear - 1900 n = n_elements(doy) if n_elements(yyear) ne n_elements(doy) then begin if n_elements(year) gt 1 then begin message, 'Array sizes for doy and year parameters do not match.', /info message, 'Using the first year in the array only', /info yyear = yyear(0) end yyear = intarr(n) + yyear endif if (n eq 1) then uyear = yyear $ else uyear = yyear(uniq(yyear, sort(yyear))) out = anytim2ints(buff) if (n_elements(out) ne n) then out = replicate(out, n) ;no time inputs ; for iyear=0,n_elements(uyear)-1 do begin ss = where(yyear eq uyear(iyear), nss) if (nss eq 1) then ss = ss(0) ;to avoid IDL bug giving the message ;"Expression must be a scalar in this context: ." day1 = anytim('1-Jan-'+strtrim(uyear(iyear),2),/int) out(ss).day = + doy(ss)-1 end return, out end