;+ ; Project : SDAC ; ; Name : Create_update_tar ; ; Purpose : This procedure creates a tar file suitable for updating a remote file system. ; ; Category : SSW_SYSTEM ; ; Explanation : Based on a date of the previous update, an input, the elements of the path are ; searched for updates and copied to a local directory for tarring. ; ; Use : Create_update_tar, last_update_time, ssw_instr $ ; [, temp_dir=temp_dir, more_path=more_path ] ; ; Inputs : ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : ; ; Calls : ; ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Prev. Hist : ; ; Modified : ; 09-May-2003, William Thompson - Use ssw_strsplit instead of strsplit ; ;- ;============================================================================== pro create_update_tar, last_update_time, ssw_instr, temp_dir=temp_dir, more_path=more_path, $ only_pro=only_pro ndays= '-'+strtrim(ceil( (sys2ut() - anytim( last_update_time, /sec))/ 86400.),2) home = curdir() temp_dir = fcheck( temp_dir, concat_dir(home,'ssw_temp'+time2file(anytim(/ints,sys2ut())) )) spawn,'mkdir '+temp_dir if not exist(ssw_instr) then ssw_instr = strtrim(str_sep(getenv('SSW_INSTR'),' '),2) files = 'out_'+ssw_strsplit(ssw_instr,'/',/tail) only_write_pro = (['',' | grep pro '])(keyword_set(only_pro)) comms = 'find '+ssw_instr+' -mtime ' + ndays + $ only_write_pro+ '>'+concat_dir(temp_dir,files) cd,'$SSW' for i=0,n_elements(comms)-1 do spawn,comms(i) cd,temp_dir,curr=ssw spawn,'cat '+arr2str(files,' ')+' > all_files2tar' cd,ssw spawn, 'tar cfR '+concat_dir(temp_dir,'ssw_update.tar')+' '+concat_dir(temp_dir,'all_files2tar') spawn, 'compress '+concat_dir(temp_dir,'ssw_update.tar') cd,home spawn,'rm -rf '+concat_dir(temp_dir,'out_*') end