pro get_date, dte, in_date, OLD = old, TIMETAG = timetag, LOCAL_DIFF = local_diff ;+ ; NAME: ; GET_DATE ; PURPOSE: ; Return the (current) UTC date in CCYY-MM-DD format for FITS headers ; EXPLANATION: ; This is the format required by the DATE and DATE-OBS keywords in a ; FITS header. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; GET_DATE, FITS_date, [ in_date, /OLD, /TIMETAG, LOCAL_DIFF=] ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; in_date - string (scalar or vector) containing dates in IDL ; systime() format (e.g. 'Tue Sep 25 14:56:14 2001') ; OUTPUTS: ; FITS_date = A scalar character string giving the current date. Actual ; appearance of dte depends on which keywords are supplied. ; ; No Keywords supplied - dte is a 10 character string with the format ; CCYY-MM-DD where represents a calendar year, the ; ordinal number of a calendar month within the calendar year, ; and
the ordinal number of a day within the calendar month. ; /TIMETAG set - dte is a 19 character string with the format ; CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss where represents the hour in the day, ; the minutes, the seconds, and the literal 'T' the ; ISO 8601 time designator ; /OLD set - dte is an 8 character string in DD/MM/YY format ; ; INPUT KEYWORDS: ; /TIMETAG - Specify the time to the nearest second in the DATE format ; /OLD - Return the DATE format formerly (pre-1997) recommended for FITS ; Note that this format is now deprecated because it uses only ; a 2 digit representation of the year. ; LOCAL_DIFF - numeric scalar giving the difference between local time ; and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in hours. This keyword is only ; needed for non-Unix users prior to V5.4. Unix users should not ; use this keyword because under Unix (or since V5.4 with any OS), ; SYSTIME(1) returns the UTC (=GMT) time directly. ; Users on other machines must either supply a LOCAL_DIFF keyword, ; or use the TIME_CONV environment variable discussed below. ; For example, a user on U.S. Eastern Standard Time should set ; LOCAL_DIFF = -5 ; EXAMPLE: ; Add the current date to the DATE keyword in a FITS header,h ; ; IDL> GET_DATE,dte ; IDL> sxaddpar, h, 'DATE', dte, 'Date header was created' ; ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: ; An alternate method of inputing the difference between local and GMT ; time for non-Unix machines is to specify this information in a file ; named local_diff.dat in a directory specified with the environment ; variable TIME_CONV. For example, a user in EST should write -5 ; on this first (and only) line of this file. ; ; NOTES: ; (1) A discussion of the DATExxx syntax in FITS headers can be found in ; ; ; (2) Those who wish to use need further flexibility in their date ; formats (e.g. to use TAI time) should look at Bill Thompson's time ; routines in ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; DAYCNV - Convert Julian date to Gregorian calendar date ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman March 1991 ; Major rewrite to write new DATExxx syntax W. Landsman August 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Work after year 2000 even with /OLD keyword W. Landsman January 2000 ; Don't need to worry about TIME_DIFF since V5.4 W. Landsman July 2001 ;- On_error,2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - Get_date, FITS_date, [ in_date, /TIMETAG, /OLD ]' print,' FITS_date - output string giving date(s) in FITS format' print,' in-date - Optional input string giving date in systime() format' return endif if N_elements(in_date) GT 0 then begin mn = strmid(in_date,4,3) month = month_cnv(mn) day = fix(strmid(in_date,8,2)) ihr = fix(strmid(in_date,11,2)) imn = fix(strmid(in_date,14,2)) sec = fix(strmid(in_date,17,2)) yr = fix(strmid(in_date,20,4)) if N_elements(local_diff) GT 0 then ihr = ihr - local_diff endif else begin seconds = systime(1) ;Number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 if (not keyword_set(LOCAL_DIFF)) and (!VERSION.RELEASE LT '5.4') then begin if getenv('TIME_CONV') NE '' then begin filename = FIND_WITH_DEF('local_diff.dat','TIME_CONV') if filename NE '' then begin openr, unit, filename, /GET_LUN diff = 0.0D0 readf, unit, local_diff test = "" if not eof(unit) then readf,unit,test free_lun,unit if strupcase(strmid(test,0,3)) EQ 'GMT' then local_diff = 0.0 endif endif endif if N_elements(local_diff) GT 0 then seconds = seconds - local_diff*3600. dayseconds = 86400.D0 ;Number of seconds in a day mjd = seconds/dayseconds + 40587.0D jd = 2400000.5D + mjd DAYCNV, jd, yr, month, day, hr endelse if keyword_set(old) then begin if yr GE 2000 then yr = yr - 100 dte = string(day,f='(I2.2)') + '/' + string(month,f='(i2.2)') + $ '/' + string( yr-1900,f='(I2.2)') endif else $ dte = string(yr,f='(I4.4)') + '-' + string(month,f='(i2.2)') + '-' + $ string(day,f='(I2.2)') if keyword_set(TIMETAG) then begin if N_elements(in_date) EQ 0 then begin ihr = fix(hr) mn = (hr - ihr)*60. imn = fix(mn) sec = round((mn - imn)*60.) endif dte = dte + 'T' + string(ihr,f='(I2.2)') + ':' + string(imn,f='(I2.2)') + $ ':' + string(round(sec),f='(I2.2)') endif return end