FITS Binary Tables Last updated: 21 June 1994 The routines in this directory are for reading and writing (disk) FITS binary table extensions. Access to FITS files is direct, rather than passing through intermediate file structures (such as SDAS/Geis). Some routines for reading and writing primary FITS files, and for reading and writing FITS tapes, are included to support writing binary tables. The various routines are: Primary FITS files -- writing These routines are for writing primary FITS headers. Primary data arrays can also be written, but are not required. The sequence to be used is to first create the header (FXHMAKE), add any additional desired keywords (FXADDPAR) and write the primary header and optional data array (FXWRITE). FXHMAKE Create FITS header FXADDPAR Add or modify header keywords FXWRITE Write primary FITS file FXHMODIFY Modify FITS header on disk Primary FITS files -- reading These routines are for reading primary FITS header and data units, and for extracting information from the FITS header. Other routines from the Astronomy User's Library (e.g. READFITS) could also be used to read the primary header and data arrays from FITS files. FXREAD Read primary FITS file FXPAR Extract values from a FITS header Binary tables -- writing These routines are used write FITS binary table extensions. The sequence to be used is to create the header (FXBHMAKE), define the table columns (FXBADDCOL), open the file and write the header (FXBCREATE), write the binary table data (FXBWRITE), then close the table (FXBFINISH). See the LaTeX file "fits_bintable.tex" for an example of writing and reading a binary table. FXBHMAKE Create FITS extension header. FXBADDCOL Create columns in the binary table extension header. FXBCREATE Open binary table file, and write header. FXBWRITE Write data into binary table. FXBFINISH Close binary table file. One thing that sometimes confuses first time users is that the logical unit variable UNIT is an output parameter of FXBCREATE, not an input parameter. One does not specify the logical unit number for the file; instead FXBCREATE assigns one via a call to GET_LUN. The returned value is then used by the other routines. A similar situation exists in regard to the column number argument to FXBADDCOL. Column numbers are assigned in the order in which FXBADDCOL is called. See the LaTeX file "fits_bintable.tex" for more information. Binary tables -- reading These routines are used for reading FITS binary table extensions. The sequence to be used is to open the table (FXBOPEN), read data from the table (FXBREAD), and close the table (FXBCLOSE). Other routines allow the user to parse and examine information from the binary table header. FXBOPEN Open FITS binary table extension for reading. FXBREAD Read data from FITS binary table. FXBCLOSE Close FITS binary table. FXBTDIM Parse keywords from binary tables with a TDIM-like format. FXBHELP Show information about the binary table columns. FXBFIND Find column keywords in header. FXBCOLNUM Returns the column number of a specified column. FXBHEADER Returns the header of an opened FITS binary table. FXBISOPEN Returns whether or not a FITS binary table is open. FXBSTATE Returns the state of a FITS binary table. FXBDIMEN Returns the dimensions of a binary table column. The same comment above about FXBCREATE and UNIT also applies to FXBOPEN. Tape I/O The following routines are for writing and reading FITS files to and from tape. These routines differ from FITSRD and FITSWRT in that no conversion to or from the SDAS/Geis format is performed. FXTAPEREAD Reads FITS files from tape to disk. FXTAPEWRITE Writes FITS files from disk to tape. Associated routines The remaining routines are mainly internal routines used by the other routines mentioned above. FXHCLEAN Remove obsolete keywords--called by FXHMAKE, FXHBMAKE. FXPARPOS Find position in FITS header--called by FXADDPAR. FXBFINDLUN Find LUN in FXBINTABLE--called by FXBCREATE, FXBOPEN. FXBPARSE Parse binary table header--called by FXBCREATE,FXBOPEN. FXBTFORM Parse TFORM column descriptor--called by FXBPARSE. FXHREAD Read FITS header--called by FXBOPEN. FXFINDEND Find the last FITS record--called by FXBCREATE. WHERENAN Find points equal to IEEE NaN--called by FXBREAD. BOOST_ARRAY Resize array, and append another array. STORE_ARRAY Resize array, and insert another array. DETABIFY Removes tabs from strings. PRODUCT Calculates total product of all elements of an array. FXTPIO_READ Reads a file from a tape--called from FXTAPEREAD. FXTPIO_WRITE Writes a file to a tape--called from FXTAPEWRITE. Multidimensional Array Facility These routines support the Multidimensional Array Facility described in the binary tables extension proposal. This convention uses keywords TDIMn of the format "TDIMn = '(dim1,dim2,...)'" to define the dimensions associated with column "n". Support for this convention is automatic--FXBADDCOL inserts TDIMn keywords into the header, and FXBOPEN interprets any found in the header-- unless the /NO_TDIM keyword is used. Values of TDIMn can also be overridden with the DIMENSIONS keyword in the FXBREAD routine. In addition to the keywords described in the binary tables extension proposal, several additional keywords are supported by FXBADDCOL. These keywords have a one-to-one correspondence with standard keywords used in primary FITS headers, i.e. Additional Keyword Standard Equivalent TDMINn DATAMIN TDMAXn DATAMAX TDESCn CTYPEm TCUNIn CUNITm TROTAn CROTAm TRPIXn CRPIXm TRVALn CRVALm TDELTn CDELTm The anticipated use of these keywords is such that TDMIN and TDMAX would have a standard format, and that the rest would have a format similar to TDIMn. Variable-Length Array Facility These routines also support the Variable-Length Array Facility described in the binary tables extension proposal. Variable-length array columns are defined by using FXBADDCOL with the /VARIABLE keyword. Other than that, support for variable-length arrays is automatic. Some operations, such as reading entire columns, and the multidimensional array facility described above, are not allowed with variable-length arrays. Ordinarily, the default THEAP value (NAXIS1*NAXIS2) is used to write the variable-length arrays. However, a different THEAP value can be used by using FXADDPAR to insert the desired value into the binary table header before calling FXBCREATE. IEEE Not-a-Number (NaN) Special Values Data dropout in FITS binary table arrays are signalled in one of two ways. Dropouts in integer arrays are signalled with values specified by TNULLn keywords. However, dropouts in floating point arrays (including single or double precision, and real or complex) are signalled with standard IEEE NaN (not-a-number) special values. The routine FXBREAD will optionally translate these NaN numbers into a user-specified value, given by the NANVALUE keyword. Conversely, the same keyword, when used with the FXWRITE or FXBWRITE routines, will write out NaN for any points in the array with that value. At present, there is no support for IEEE +/- Infinity and -0 special values. However, it would be a simple matter to add support similar to IEEE NaN. Bit, Logical, and Double-precision Complex Arrays Although IDL does not support a data type corresponding to double-precision complex (type "M" in FITS binary tables), these routines do allow reading and writing this data type as ordinary double-precision arrays with an extra first dimension of two. Support for this is automatic when reading binary tables. Columns can be defined as type "M" when writing binary tables if the /DCOMPLEX keyword is passed to FXBADDCOL, and the data array is complex with the first dimension being of size two. Bit arrays (type "X" in FITS binary tables) are treated in IDL as byte arrays with approximately 1/8 the number of elements. Support for this is automatic when reading binary tables. Columns can be defined as type "X" when writing binary tables if the BIT keyword is passed to FXBADDCOL giving the number of bits, and the data array is of type byte. Dimension information is ignored for bit arrays, since the dimensions apply to the bits, and not to the bytes that IDL processes. Logical arrays (type "L" in FITS binary tables) are treated in IDL as byte arrays. Support for this is automatic when reading binary tables. Columns can be defined as type "L" when writing binary tables if the /LOGICAL keyword is passed to FXBADDCOL, and the data array is of type byte. Virtual Columns It is possible to treat keywords in binary table headers as if they were columns in the table, with the same value replicated for every row. This virtual column convention allows the user to have a unified view in a table regardless of whether the information is stored in a table column and thus capable of varying from row to row, or stored in the header and thus the same for every row. To use the virtual column convention, the user must call FXBREAD with the /VIRTUAL keyword, and must also reference the desired information by name rather than by column number. FXBREAD will then look first for a column with that name. If it doesn't find one, it then looks for a keyword with that name in the header. Implementation notes The routines in this directory also make use internally of other routines from the SDAS, FITS, and MISC directories from the Astronomy User's Library. The file "" is an include file containing the definition of the IDL common block FXBINTABLE. This file must be in one of the directories pointed to by the IDL search path parameter !PATH. Normally, this is ensured by keeping this file in the same directory with the IDL procedures found here. Questions should be directed to: PAL::THOMPSON (SPAN) (Internet) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files as of 6-Jul-95 Directory: /sohos1/cds/soft/util/fits/ CHECK_FITS - Checks validity of FITS header. FITS_INFO - Provides info about FITS file, primary and extensions. FITSTAPE() - Function to perform FITS tape I/O. FXADDPAR - Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array. FXBADDCOL - Adds a column to a binary table extension. FXBCLOSE - Close a FITS binary table extension opened for read. FXBCOLNUM() - Returns a binary table column number. FXBCREATE - Open a new binary table at the end of a FITS file. FXBDIMEN() - Returns the dimensions for a column in a FITS binary table. FXBFIND - Find column keywords in a FITS binary table header. FXBFINDLUN() - Find logical unit number UNIT in FXBINTABLE common block. FXBFINISH - Close a FITS binary table extension file opened for write. FXBHEADER() - Returns the header of an open FITS binary table. FXBHELP - Prints short description of columns in a FITS binary table. FXBHMAKE - Create basic FITS binary table extension (BINTABLE) header. FXBINTABLE - Common block FXBINTABLE used by "FXB" routines. FXBISOPEN() - Returns true if UNIT points to an open FITS binary table. FXBOPEN - Open binary table extension in a disk FITS file for reading. FXBPARSE - Parse the binary table extension header. FXBREAD - Read a data array from a disk FITS binary table file. FXBSTATE() - Returns the state of a FITS binary table. FXBTDIM() - Parse TDIM-like kwywords. FXBTFORM - Returns information about FITS binary table columns. FXBWRITE - Write a binary data array to a disk FITS binary table file. FXFINDEND - Find the end of a FITS file. FXHCLEAN - Removes required keywords from FITS header. FXHMAKE - Create a basic FITS header array. FXHMODIFY - Modify a FITS header in a file on disk. FXHREAD - Reads a FITS header from an opened disk file. FXPAR() - Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header. FXPARPOS() - Finds position to insert record into FITS header. FXREAD - Read basic FITS files. FXTAPEREAD - Copy FITS files tape to disk with interactive capabilities. FXTAPEWRITE - Procedure to copy disk FITS files to tape with interactive FXTPIO_READ - Copies FITS files from tape to disk -- internal routine. FXTPIO_WRITE - Copy FITS files from disk to tape -- internal routine. FXWRITE - Write a disk FITS file. GET_DATE - Gets date in format used by FITS headers. GETFILES - Interactively asks for a list of tape file numbers. HEADFITS() - Read a FITS file header record HPRINT - Prints FITS headers on terminal screen. READFITS - Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. SHOW_FITS_HDR - Display a CDS FITS file header. SXADDPAR - Add or modify a parameter in a FITS or STSDAS header array. SXDELPAR() - Procedure to delete keyword parameter(s) from FITS header. SXPAR() - Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header WRITEFITS - Write an an IDL array into a disk FITS file.