function fiss_wv_par, detector, wv0, order, alpha, br ;+ ; Calling sequence ; wvpar= fiss_wv_par(detector, wv0, order, alpha, br) ; ; Inputs: ; detector 'A' or 'B' ; wv0 wavelength at detector center ; Outputs: ; wvpar : three-element array of wavelength calibration ; 0th: pixel value of the center of the reference line ; 1st: dispersion (angstrom per pixel) ; 2nd: the wavelength of the reference line in angstrom ; Optiona Outputs: ; order ; alpha incident angle ; br brightness ;- if detector eq 'A' then begin get_echelle_grating, 79, 62., 0.93, wv0, order, alpha, br nw=512 ny=256 endif if detector eq 'B' then begin get_echelle_grating, 79, 62., 1.92, wv0, order, alpha, br nw=502 ny=250 endif wr=fiss_sp_range(alpha, order,detector) wvpar=[nw/2, (wr[1]-wr[0])/nw, wv0] return, wvpar end