pro fiss_show_routines, all=all ;+ ; Name: fiss_show_routines ; display the list of all routines developed for FISS ; ; Syntax: fiss_show_routines ; ; Arguments: None ; ; Keywords: None ; ; Remarks: ; ; Required routines: None ; ; History: ; 2010 July, first coded (J. Chae) ; ;- text=[ $ 'This is the list of routines developed for FISS', $ '', $ 'Data read/show rouitnes f(or users)', '', $ ' assoreadfits: read data from FITS file using associated pointer', $ ' readfits_frame: read one frame from a three-dimensiona FITS file', $ ' fiss_pca_read: reads one spectrogram from a pair of PCA-compressed files', $ ' fiss_raster: constructs raster scan images', $ ' fiss_read_frame: reads one spectrogram from a FISS file (original or PCA-compressed)', $ ' fiss_show_sp: interactively displays spectrograms and spectral profiles'] if keyword_set(all) then $ text=[text, '', '', $ 'Data processing/calibration rouitnes (for supporters)', '', $ '', $ ' fiss_sp_av: obtains the averaged spectrogram', $ ' fiss_get_dw: determines the amount of deviation from the vertcial straight line', $ ' fiss_pca_denoise: reduces noise using the PCA analysis', $ ' fiss_slit_pattern: determines the response pattern aring from non-uniform slit width', $ ' fiss_wv_calib: determines wavelength calibration parameters', $ ' fiss_darkfile: finds the name of dark data file corresponding to a data file', $ ' fiss_gaincalib: determines flat pattern from a set of images', $ ' fiss_get_flat: determines flat pattern from data files', $ ' fiss_pca_conv: converts normal data files into PCA-compressed data files', $ ' fiss_prep: processes raw data files' $ ] xdisplayfile, text=text, title='FISS routines' end