pro fiss_pca_conv, file, outfile, ncoeff=ncoeff, pfile=pfile, init=init, wr=wr , eval=eval ;, crcor=crcor ;+ ; NAME: FISS_PCA_CONV ; Purpose: Convert spectrorams into PCA components ;- ;+ ; Name: fiss_pca_conv ; decompose spectrograms in a data file based on principal component analysis (PCA) ; ; Syntax: fiss_pca_conv, file, ncoeff=ncoeff, pfile=pfile, /init, ; ; Arguments: ; file name of FITS file containing original data ; ; Keywords: ; ncoeff set this keyword to a named variable that conatins the number ; of principal components to be retained (default is 20) ; pfile set this keyword to a named variable that contains the name ; of file storing the basis profiles ; if not set, pfile is considered to be the default file. ; init if set, the basis profiles are calculated and are stored into ; pfile. ; ; Remarks: ; The coefficients are saved into the associated file: say 'test_c.fts' for ; the input file 'test.fts' ; The basis profiles are saved into the specified pfile or the associated file ; 'test_p.fts'. ; ; Required routines: assoreadfits ; ; History: ; 2010 July, first coded (J. Chae) ; ;- on_error, 2 if n_elements(outfile) eq 0 then outfile= strmid(file, 0, strlen(file)-4)+'_c.fts' if n_elements(pfile) eq 0 then pfile=strmid(file, 0, strlen(file)-4)+'_p.fts' h=headfits(file) nw=fxpar(h,'NAXIS1') ny=fxpar(h,'NAXIS2') nx=fxpar(h,'NAXIS3') if n_elements(wr) ne 2 then wr=[0, nw-1] nw1=wr[1]-wr[0]+1 t0=systime(/s) b=assoreadfits(file, unit=ui) if keyword_set(init) then begin ; pfile containing eigenvectors shoudl be created spgr1=fltarr(nw1, 2000) icut=100. kk=0 rep=0 repeat begin x=round(nx*randomu(seed))>0<(nx-1) tmp=(b[x])[wr[0]:wr[1], round(ny*randomu(seed))>0<(ny-1)] if max(tmp) ge icut then begin spgr1[*,kk]=tmp kk=kk+1 endif rep=rep+1 endrep until kk eq 2000 or rep gt 5000 spgr1=spgr1[*,0:kk-1] av = total(spgr1,1)/nw1 spgr2=spgr1/(replicate(1.,nw1)#av) carr = transpose(spgr2) ## (spgr2) tvscl, carr eval = eigenql(carr, eigenvectors=evec, /double) if n_elements(ncoeff) eq 0 then ncoeff=20 ;evec[*, ncoeff]=0. evec=float(evec[*, 0:ncoeff-1]) writefits, pfile, evec endif else begin ; eigenvectors are read from pfile evec=readfits(pfile, /sil) ncoeff = n_elements(evec[0,*]) endelse ;ava=evec[*, ncoeff]#replicate(1., ny) coeff = fltarr(ncoeff+1, ny, nx) fxhmake, hout, fix(coeff) ;if !version.os_family eq 'Windows' then delim='\' else delim='/' fxaddpar, hout, 'PFILE', file_basename(pfile) ;(strsplit(pfile, delim, count=count, /extract))[count-1] for j=0, n_elements(h)-1 do fxaddpar, hout, 'COMMENT', h[j] t1=systime(/s) for x=0, nx-1 do begin tmp=b[x] av=(total(tmp, 1)/nw1) tmp=tmp/(replicate(1.,nw1)#av) coeff[ncoeff, *, x]=alog10(av) for y=0, ny-1 do for k=0, ncoeff-1 do coeff[k, y, x] = total(tmp[*,y]*evec[*,k]) endfor bscale=max(abs(coeff))/ 20000. coeff=fix(round(coeff/bscale)) fxaddpar, hout, 'BSCALE', bscale writefits, outfile, coeff, hout free_lun, ui t2=systime(/s) end