\relax \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.}Static Pre-flare Conditions}{1}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Scatter plot of magnetic shear vs. magnetic gradient in all the points along all the neutral lines identified for the active region 9077 on 2000 July 14. Plus signs are the points along the flare neutral line. The solid straight line is a linear fit of all the data points (Wang et al., 2006).}}{2}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.}Dynamic Pre-flare Conditions}{4}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Scatter plots to compare flare index (in the form of logarithm) and magnetic parameters. The left panels are based on flare index of entire disk passages of active regions, right is based on one-day flare index. The magnetic parameters presented from top to bottom are: mean gradient on the magnetic neutral line; length of neutral line with magnetic gradient larger than 50G/Mm; and total magnetic energy dissipation. The solid lines show the least-squares linear fit to the data points. The dashed lines show the interval of the standard deviation at 95\% level of confidence (Jing et al., 2006).}}{5}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Kurokawa's cartoon model to explain the observed magnetic field evolution of AR 9026 by emergence of twisted flux ropes (Kurokawa et al. 2002).}}{6}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.}Rapid Changes of Surface Magnetic Fields As a Result of Flares}{7}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Photospheric flows and magnetic field configuration of NOAA\nobreakspace {}10486 on 2003 October\nobreakspace {}29. To illustrate the results of high spatial resolution local correlation tracking analysis of WL data, it provides different views of (a) flow vectors, (b) azimuthal angle of the velocity vectors, (c) magnitude of the velocity vectors, and (d) MDI magnetogram with superimposed magnetic neutral lines. $I/I_0$ in (a) is the normalized intensity relative to quiet photosphere (Yang et al. 2004).}}{8}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Comparison of preflare (a, e) and postflare (b, f) states for the X10 flare on 2003 October 29. (a, b) and (e, f) are TRACE WL and 195\nobreakspace {}\r A\ images, respectively. (c) is the WL difference image (the postflare image minus the preflare image). (d) is the WL image at flare maximum with superimposed RHESSI 50--100\nobreakspace {}keV hard X-ray contours. D1 and D2 are two areas of penumbral decay and E is the region of sunspot enhancement along the neutral line. The white contours in (a) represent the line-of-sight field (Liu et al., 2005).}}{9}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.}Summary}{10}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{\relax Acknowledgments.}{10}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Evolution of magnetic gradient along the flaring neutral line and apparent sunspot motions associated with the X5.6 flare on 2001 April 6. Top panels show mean magnetic gradient along magnetic neutral line as a function of time. Bottom panels show the relative motion of sunspots of the opposite polarities following the flare. The flare timing is denoted by the Owens Valley 7GH microwave flux by ``+'' signs. In the direction normal to the neutral line (left), converging motion starts immediately following the flare; in the direction along the neutral line (right), an earthquake-like shear motion was found: before the flare, the two sunspots of opposite polarities in the two sides of the flaring neutral line have shearing motion. As soon as the flare occurred, the two spots slide back rapidly and reverse the direction of the relative motion (Stoltz, 2005).}}{11}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{}{{}{}{{}}{{}}} \global\NAT@numberstrue