\relax \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {A}Project Description}{1}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A.1}Research Activities}{1}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces The median value of the $r_0$ (Fried parameter, a rough measure of the diffraction limit, $r_0\ge $ 5.5 cm is required for correction by AO) measurements from the S-DIMM instrument (principal ATST site survey instrument, see \special {color push Blue}\relax $\@@underline {\hbox {\tt http://atst.nso.edu/site/}}\mathsurround \z@ $\relax \special {color pop} for details) for the three finalists to be the ATST site ({\bf Big Bear}, \special {color push Red}{\bf Haleakala}\special {color pop}, and \special {color push Blue}{\bf La Palma}\special {color pop}) as a function of hour angle (adapted from Figure\nobreakspace {}10.13 in Hill et al. 2004, ATST Site Survey Report).}}{1}} \newlabel{FIG01}{{1}{1}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.1.1}New Solar Telescope at BBSO}{2}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Schematic of the 1.6 m off-axis, open NST and its optical layout.}}{3}} \newlabel{FIG02}{{A.1.1}{3}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces The left panel shows the interferometric pattern of the residual polishing error (about 300 nm at that moment). As of this writing, the rms error is below 200 nm. On the right is the testing tower being installed. At the top is the 0.5 m spherical mirror and the PM is transferred from the polishing tool to the bottom of the tower for testing. Testing is done after about 10 hours of polishing. }}{4}} \newlabel{FIG03}{{3}{4}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.1.2}Adaptive Optics}{4}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces A recent diffraction-limited image obtained at BBSO on April 29, 2005 with the AO-76 system and speckle reconstruction.}}{5}} \newlabel{FIG04}{{A.1.2}{5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.1.3}Near Infrared Imaging Vector Magnetograph System}{5}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Comparison of the variance of the Zernike Coefficients for open (asterisks) and closed-loop (carets) data determined from the AO WFS data. The Solid curve represents a fit to Kolmogorov spectrum of the open-loop data for $D/r_0$=12.10 (Trischler et al., 2005).}}{6}} \newlabel{FIG05}{{5}{6}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.1.4}Science Drivers for the AO Equipped NST}{6}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A.2}Description of Research Instrument and Needs}{7}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Theoretical Strehl ratio as a function of the corrected modes at three different seeing conditions: r$_0$=6 cm 14 cm and 24cm are the BBSO median seeing at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.6$\mu m$ respectively. The vertical dashed line indicates the maximum modes of correction of the proposed new AO system.}}{8}} \newlabel{FIG06}{{A.2.1}{8}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.2.1}Evaluation of the Strehl Ratio}{8}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.2.2}Overview of the AO Development Effort}{9}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.2.3}Optical Design}{9}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7}{\ignorespaces The new AO design, i.e., a combined reflective-refractive system. M1 is the tip/tilt and M3 is DM.}}{10}} \newlabel{FIG07}{{7}{10}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {8}{\ignorespaces Spot diagrams showing near diffraction-limited image quality for the wavelength range from 0.39 to 1.60 $\mu $. Top: visible range, bottom, NIR. }}{11}} \newlabel{FIG08}{{8}{11}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {9}{\ignorespaces example}}{12}} \newlabel{fig09}{{9}{12}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.2.4}Electronic, Computing and Mechanics Systems}{12}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A.3}Impact of Infrastructure Projects}{13}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.3.1}Relationship to Future Work and Nighttime Astronomy}{13}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.3.2}Education and Research Training}{13}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {A.3.3}Data and Telescope Time}{13}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A.4}Management Plan}{14}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {B}References}{16}}