Dear Andrew: Thanks for your e-mail. This AO project is extremely critical to our 1.6m New Solar Telescope (NST), and we really wish that it can be supported. I discussed with other team members and cut the first year budget from 211K to 56K, and reduced the total project cost from 373K to 263K. This is done in two parts: (1) Dr. Deqing Ren, one of the Co-PIs, just obtained a tenure-track faculty position in California State University, Northridge (they operate The San Fernando Observatory). He will continue his involvement in NST project, since the success of the NST will benefit the CSUN observatory and help him to earn tenure downstream. He will be physically much closer to BBSO than he is now. Our proposed project budget is significantly reduced by deleting his academic year salary, while adding one month of his summer salary instead. (2) We will concentrate our effort in optical design and software development in the first year, and can postpone purchasing of equipment to the beginning of the second year, along with the building of mechanical system and setting it up. In summary, below is the comparison of the difference between the new and old budgets: Year 1 Year 2 Total Old Budget 211,192 161,478 372,670 New Budget 56,138 206,472 262,609 Hope this helps, Regards, Haimin